International Songwriters Association (ISA) Songs And Songwriting

Andy McFeel

German-based songwriter Andy McFeel started to make music as an 11-year-old when he got a drum set as a birthday present.

Six months before, he had started having piano-lessons but quit after a few months, claiming he didn't like playing other poeple's songs - even if their name was Mozart.

While playing the drums in a jazz-rock-band he started learnibg how to play the guitar because he wanted to get be more influential in the songs being played by his band.  This was the beginning of his songwriting.

A few years later, a collaboration with an American lyricist brought Andy back to the piano. In fact, he taught himself how to play all the intruments he now uses to compose and maybe that's why he's one of those musicians who have been able to create their own style, though of course you can tell, he's influenced by Sting, Toto and Elton John.

But his self-studying of music and concentration on "songs wanted" helped to broaden his musical background  to the point where nowadays, he even writes real latin stuff!

So check out his music from pop to rock'n roll, from country to latin and professionel requests are welcome.

"I am writing a lot of songs in different styles that are not meant to be performed by myself though my first single came out in September 2003 on the German SongHouse label.

So just contact me if you have "songs wanted" and I'll be glad to provide some of my material."

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